Tuesday, May 22, 2012


A Call to Prayer for the Church & Our Nation Malaysia

  • Author: n/a
  • Send To: The Body of Christ in Malaysia
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As Christians and Gods people in Malaysia, 

We are called to pray for our beloved country so that Habakkuks vision, For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14), will be fulfilled in our land. 

As Christians and Gods people in Malaysia, 

We believe that Gods message to His people through Jeremiah, Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare (Jeremiah 29:7), is also His word for us today. 


1. Humbling Ourselves to Seek God in Prayer 

In Acts 1 we read of how a ten-day prayer meeting preceded the release of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Similarly, earnest and persistent prayer led to great revivals which had lasting and world-changing effects. These include the Moravian Revival (1727), the Great Awakening in America (18th century), the Welsh Revival (1904), the Azusa Street Revival (1906) and the Korean Revival (1907). 

Closer to home, the several waves of revival experienced by the SIB have often been preceded and sustained by prevailing prayer and holy living. This has resulted in SIB being the fastest growing church in the country in the last few decades, with whole tribal communities being holistically transformed along the way. 

a. Pray that the Malaysian church will seek the face of God together earnestly and with perseverance, so that He will open the heavens, reveal His glory and pour His power upon our nation. Let us claim His promise that if my people humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). 

2. Emphasising Holiness and Righteousness in the Church 

The Malaysian church can only be a prophetic community, impacting society, when we live authentic and vibrant Christian lives. Only then the church can act and speak with credibility and moral authority, and be taken seriously by the world. 

a. Pray that pastors, church leaders and members will strive to live godly lives at home, in church, and in the market place and the public square. 

b. Pray that every church will provide systematic teaching on holy living from the pulpit, in our small groups, and at every level of church ministry. 

3. Fostering Church Unity and the Ministry Of Reconciliation 

We live in a society where ethnic tensions and divisions have deteriorated badly. But for the church, God has already brought peace and unity through the cross (Ephesians 2:14ff). 

a. Pray that Christians will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, embracing reconciliation within the Christian community. 

b. Pray that as Christian leaders, local churches and whole denominations learn to live in unity, through forgiveness and reconciliation, we will model ethnic reconciliation powerfully in our nation. 

4. Teaching Christians the Cost of Discipleship 

We must be intentional in teaching that Jesus taught clearly that there is always a cost in following him as true disciples (Luke 9:23). One consequence of our failure here has been the mass exodus of Christians leaving the country through emigration, which has weakened both the church in Malaysia and our contribution to nation-building. 

a. Pray that Christians will understand what true discipleship means, and be willing to take up their cross daily and suffer for Christ. 

b. Pray that many Christian professionals and countless university students studying abroad will return with a clear vision to build both the church and nation. 

c. Pray that Christian parents will encourage their children to come home or to remain in Malaysia to serve God here. 

5. Developing Godly Leadership for Our Churches 

There is a great need in our time for godly leaders who model Christ-like servanthood. Further, as Paul advised Timothy, what you have heard from me entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others as well (2 Timothy 2:2), we must intentionally disciple younger leaders. 

a. Pray that church leaders, both pastoral and lay, will grow in depth and maturity as true shepherds of Christ. Pray that they will have a real hunger for Gods Word, a firm commitment to Gods truth and to live by it, and the courage to teach the same to their flocks. 

b. Pray that the present generation of leaders will strive to lay strong foundations for churches and Christian organizations in our country, to model godly and humble servanthood, and to manage succession plans well, as they gradually hand over the baton of leadership to younger people. 

6. Empowering Bumiputra Churches, Especially Those in East Malaysia 

Based on Government Census of 2001, Bumiputras form some 60\% of the Malaysian church. Their churches lack financial resources and are often weak due to insufficient teaching material. They have also been a major target of certain parties seeking to draw their members away. Many of the children and youths have been converted away from their Christian faith and heritage. 

a. Pray for the increasing availability of both the Bible and discipleship materials in Bahasa Malaysia. 

b. Pray for a growing and effective partnership in ministry and mission between the churches in West Malaysia and in East Malaysia. 

c. Pray for the increasing emergence of strong churches among Bumiputra communities in our land, and the rising up of bold and God-fearing leaders among them. 


7. Being Salt and Light in Our Nation 

The church cannot remain silent, neutral or unmoved by the vital issues confronting us in our countrys economic development, especially if we are to fulfil our calling to seek the welfare (Jeremiah 29:7) of this nation. 

a. Pray that God will continue to bless our nation with strong and steady growth of the national economy so that all citizens will be blessed. Pray for the equitable sharing of the wealth of this nation among all races. 

b. Pray against the twin problems of badly formulated policies and prevalent corruption, both of which combine to adversely affect national economic growth. 

c. Pray that the smaller and economically weaker communities will not be marginalised. In particular, pray that the rights and means of livelihood of the native people of Sabah and Sarawak, and the Orang Asli in West Malaysia will be legally recognised and safe-guarded, especially their land rights. 

d. Pray that the church will take the lead in reaching out with concrete acts of love and compassion to the poor, including refugees and migrant workers, regardless of race or religion. 


8. Defending the Supremacy of the Federal Constitution and Fundamental Human Liberties 

The defence of the supremacy of our Federal Constitution, fundamental human liberties, the principles of democracy and the rule of law in our country has now become increasingly critical. This is because of repeated and continuing efforts to undermine them, in particular, through certain Islamisation policies, which effectively marginalise believers of other faiths. 

a. Pray that the church, civil society and the rakyat in general will defend the Federal Constitution so that fundamental liberties of all citizens, especially religious freedom, will be upheld. 

b. Pray that the government will genuinely seek to uphold the principle of equal citizenship rights for all Malaysians, which had been forged originally against a diverse background of race, religion and culture. Pray against all efforts made at asserting ethnic and religious supremacy which, if unchecked, will destroy the foundations of our nation. 

c. Pray that the democratic processes and institutions will mature and, if necessary, be revitalised in our country, especially the Parliament, State Assemblies, the Judiciary and the Civil Service. 

9. Electing Politicians Who Are Competent and Genuine, and Committed to Integrity and Justice 

Whilst the church does not identify herself with any particular political group, all Christians have a responsibility in a democracy to elect candidates who are competent and sincere in serving the rakyat, and who are noted for their integrity and commitment to justice. 

a. Pray that our citizens will have the discernment and wisdom to elect sincere and politically competent leaders who will govern the nation with compassion, integrity, righteousness and justice. 

b. Pray that Christians will take their responsibility as voters seriously and do what is right.

c. Pray that in the up-coming Sarawak State Elections on 16 April, and the General Elections which may follow shortly, that God will so overrule that governments which will be faithful to the mandate to rule for the good of the nation will come into power. Pray specially against the work of unseen spiritual powers that seek to keep the nation under their control through evil of all kinds. 

10. Making Malaysia a Model Nation 

The Malaysian church has an unprecedented opportunity in our generation to be used by God to bring about a powerful transformation which will result in blessings for all the peoples of our land. 

a. Pray that Malaysia, by Gods grace, will develop into an advanced economy and a stable and harmonious democracy, in which all citizens are equal, with fundamental liberties protected by the Constitution and a legal framework which protect the weakest and the least. This will make Malaysia a model nation for others. 
As Christians and Gods people in Malaysia, we live, pray and labour in hope to be a blessing to our country! 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11). 

1. Dr Chan Ah Kee, Evangelial Free Church 
2. Dr Chew Weng Chee, SIB Kuala Lumpur 
3. Rev C. Jayaraj, Tamil Annual Conference 
4. Dr Daniel Ho, Damansara Utama Methodist Church 
5. Rev Dr Ezra Kok, Principal, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia 
6. Rev Elisha Satvinder Singh, The Harvest Centre 
7. Bishop Dr Hwa Yung, The Methodist Church in Malaysia 
8. Isaac Yim, Malaysian Baptist Convention 
9. Rev Jerry Dusing, SIB Sabah 
10. Rev. Jimmy Ojilim Asam, Protestant Church in Sabah 
11. Elder Kong Yeng Phooi, Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall 
12. Rev. Lee Tak Vui, Basel Church, Sabah 
13. Bro Lim Heng Seng, Chairman, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship Religious Liberties Commission 
14. Rev Lawrence Yap,Senior Pastor , Charis Christian Centre 
15. Dr Loh Kim Cheng, Fellowship of Evangelical Students 
16. Rev.M JN Dunamis Tamil Division, Assemblies of God in Malaysia 
17. The Rt Rev Ng Moon Hing, Bishop, Anglican Diocese of W Malaysia 
18. Rev Ng Kok Kee, President, Bible College of Malaysia 
19. Dr Ng Kam Weng, Kairos Research Centre 
20. Rev Ong Sek Leang, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God in Malaysia 
21. Rev Dr Ong Hwai Teik, President, TRAC, The Methodist Church in Malaysia 
22. Bishop Dr Philip Lok, Lutheran Church in Malaysia 
23. Rev Dr Sunny Tan, Academic Dean, Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary 
24. Elder Sam Ang, National Evangelical Christian Fellowship 
25. Rev Siew Woh, Pastor, Balai Baptist Kalvari Church, Petaling Jaya 
26. Bro M Selveindran, TTDI Gospel Centre Kuala Lumpur 
27. Bro Sreedhar Subramaniam, Good Times 
28. Elder Tan Kong Beng, Subang Jaya Gospel Centre 
29. Rev Dr Tony Lim, Dean, English Department, Malaysia Bible Seminary 
30. Rev Teo Kwee Keng.Prayer Commission, Assemblies of God, in Malaysia 
31. Dr Voon Choon Khing 
32. Elder Wong Sai Weng. Life Chapel, Petaling Jaya 
33. Rev Wong Fong Yang, Senior Pastor, City Discipleship Presbyterian Church, Subang Jaya 
34.WongYoung Soon, Malaysian Care 
35. Ignatius Buji, Kadazan Christian Farmers Network, Sabah

Divine intervention or just a mere chance -part One

Bahasa Indonesia: Monumen Yesus Memberkati, Ci...
Bahasa Indonesia: Monumen Yesus Memberkati, Citraland, Manado English: Christ Blessing Monument, Manado, Indonesia 日本語: イエス様の祝福モニュメント (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The recent landslide in Kiau Taburi, Kota Belud, at the foot hills of the Majestic Mt. Kinabalu had made many homeless and though no lives had perished, it was indeed a major event, whether it is a divine intervention or just mere chance, that should serve as a wake up call for many. The 3,000 residents of Kiau Taburi are mostly devoted Christians mainly from the SIB protestant Church who were probably among those  who experienced spiritual revivals in the early seventies in Taginabur Kota Belud, at least their parents, uncles or aunties.

One of those who experienced a personal visitation from Yeshua HaMashiach is Evangelist Brani Duyon, a local Kadazan of the Liwan-Tindal (tagged by the Colonialist as Dusun) who was taken to Heaven and sent back  to Earth to deliver 6 messages. 

Of late, many of the Churches in Sabah had back-sliden and its pastors lost their 'first love' and many had left their calling for greener pastures in the cities and secular jobs that pays good money. 

Tetapi sebelum kembali, Yesus memberikan saya beberapa pesan dan menyuruh saya untuk memberitahu pesan ini kepada semua anak-anak Tuhan di Bumi. “Pesan ini SANGAT PENTING untuk mereka ketahui” tegas Yesus. Kemudian Yesus katakan lagi, bahawa saya akan sibuk untuk bekerja bagi Dia untuk menyampaikan pesan penting ini. Saya juga diminta- Nya untuk menyampaikan segala sesuatu pengalaman saya kepada semua anak Tuhan, supaya mereka juga diberkati dan mendapat kekuatan baru mengikut Yesus. Kata Yesus, “apabila engkau kembali kembali ke Bumi beritahu kepada semua anak-anak Ku pesan ini” (Ada ENAM PESAN yang Tuhan Yesus telah berikan kepada saya.) Pesanan ini adalah seperti berikut:-
PESAN PERTAMA : “Beritahu anak-anak Ku, hendaklah mereka percaya sungguh-sungguh dengan segenap hati, segenap kekuatan dan segenap akal budi. Orang yang bimbang dan ragu langsung tidak sampai ke sini (syurga).” kata Tuhan Yesus
PESAN KEDUA: “Beritahu anak-anak Ku,hendaklah mereka setia datang dalam kebaktian kerana di situlah Aku akan menyinari wajah mereka dan di situlah mereka akan mencari wajah Ku. Hati ku sangat gembira melihat anak-anak Ku, berada dalam gereja pada waktu kebaktian.” kata Tuhan Yesus
PESAN KETIGA: “Beritahu anak-anak Ku, hendaklah mereka setia berdoa, setia melakukan perintah-perintah Ku dan tinggal tetap dalam Firman Ku.” kata Tuhan Yesus
PESAN KEEMPAT: “Beritahu anak-anak Ku, hendaklah mereka setia memberi Persepuluhan dan memberi Persembahan Khusus.” kata Tuhan Yesus Pada ketika Tuhan Yesus menyebutkan Pesan Keempat ini, Dia berkata “Anak Ku, lihat di sana,” Dia menunjukkan kepada saya Rumah- Rumah yang sungguh cantik yang sudah siap bagi anak-anak-Nya. “Anak Ku, rumah-rumah ini Aku sediakan bagi semua Anak-Anak Ku yang percaya dan taat kepada Ku”, Kemudian Yesus menunjukkan saya rumah-rumah yang belum siap dan belum lengkap. Saya bertanya “Tuhan, kenapa banyak rumah-rumah di sini yang belum siap?” Yesus menjawab “Anak Ku, rumah ini adalah kepunyaan Anak Ku yang berat tangan memberi Wang Perpuluhan dan Wang Persembahan. Namun rumah ini hanya akan siap apabila mereka sedia memberi lebih lagi Perpuluhan dan Persembahan di dalam Rumah Ku.” kata Tuhan Yesus
PESAN KELIMA: “Beritahu anak-anak Ku, hendaklah mereka menyerahkan kepada Ku dalam doa semua harta-harta, keberadaan mereka sewaktu hidup di Bumi supaya Aku melindunginya dan memberkatinya. Ini adalah kerana apabila Aku datang ke-dua kali nanti janganlah mereka terikat dengan kekayaan di dunia. Ingat apa yang terjadi dengan Isteri Lot.” kata Tuhan Yesus.
PESAN KEENAM: “Beritahu anak-anak Ku, hendaklah mereka berjaga-jaga dan bersedia kerana Aku akan datang SEGERA. Cepat dari yang disangkakan!.” kata Tuhan Yesus( Kedatangan Tuhan Yesus tidak diketahui, tetapi Pengangkatan pasti akan terjadi. Tuhan Yesus akan datang tidak lama lagi!!!)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Official Launching of COSA - Commision for Sabah Affairs, NECF

Pro-tem President: Rev Jerry Dusing Tahun yang lalu dalam perbincangan saya dengan Tuhan, satu idea untuk dimana ada keperluan kita bukan satu badan tetapi satu badan seperti COSA dimana kita boleh ada response lebih cepat tentang cabaran yang ? tentang Christian di Malaysia di Sabah dan di Sarawak seperti Alkitab yg di tahan dan berbagai lagi issue-issue. Olih itu, saya bagi pihak ahli2 Sabah NECF dan juga ahli COSA merakamkan penghargan kpd NECF yang prihatin kapada apa yang (kita) alami. Terima Kasih NECF. Dalam pertubuhan (seperti) NECF, saya pikil ada berberapa perkara yang harus kita lakukan supaya kita dapat membantu saudara dan saudari kita di pendalaman cabaran yang besar. Pentinglah kita Kristian yang ada kemampuan membantu. Saya tercabar bila saya ingat-ingati firman Tuhan tentang seorang Samaritan, kenapa membantu seorang yang tidak mampu, kenapa kita yang seharusnya menjadi (seperti se-orang Samaria itu), bagi saya kita yang ada kemampuan, gereja-gereja yang ada kemampuan dari segi pelbagai kekuatan, dari segi kerohanian yang matang, dari segi kewangan yang mencukupi, dari segi pendidikan yang tinggi, dari segi bulat suara yang ada, pentinglah gereja-gereja seperti ini membantu gereja-gereja yang lain. Kita hari ini menghadapi perkara issue yang penting seperti NCI (RCI) Royal Commission of Inquiry dan juga NCR, Native Customary Rights, ini issue bukan issue politik tetapi kalau kita tidak tangani issue dengan baik, ada kemungkinan pada masa akan datang kita akan mengalami situasi yang tidak baik untuk bukan sahaja bagi saudara kita di pendalaman tetapi kita juga di bandar. Kali ini kita lihat peningkatan orang asing menjadi warganegara Malaysia yang diberi IC, bukan sahaja IC bukan tulin tetapi IC yang tulin yang ada chip, melbehi dari satu juta. Perkembangan dari segi peratusan jika kita lihat peduduk orang yang bukan orang tempatan bumiputra (kamu tau siapa yang saya maksudkan) melibehi dari 1,000 peratus. Apa bila kita lihat ini tidak masuk akal! Itulah sebap nya perlunya kita tubukan COSA. Dalam perbincangan saya dengan ahli NECF, kita perlu mengadakan kaji selidek dimana faktor2 yang ada kita mengumpulkan itu dengan pada satu masa depan, kita boleh memakai faktor2 resmi ini dengan suatu perbincangan bukan untuk kegiatan politik tetapi perbincangan dengan badan2 berkenaan supaya kita boleh lakukan sesuatu yang ? Supaya tindakan2 positif, supaya kita mengatasi cabaran yang bukan yang akan terjadi. Apa yang kita tidak mengatasi secepat mungkin, apa yang kita menghadapi sekarang. Olih itu, saya sudah berbincang dengan Judy, setia usaha exsekutif, unit kajian dasar NECF, dimana dia sudah beritahu kapada saya dia suda dia mencari berberapa orang yang dapat membantu, dan saya berharap satu tugas COSA bolih melakukan ialah mula kajian supaya kita ada faktor yang tepat. Selain daripada itu, kita ada masa perpaduan dengan ahli2 NECF diSabah. Apa bila kita cuba pergi ke-KL walaupun semua boleh pergi melalui Air Asia tetapi itu mengunakan wang yang melibehi dan tidak diizinkan walaupun tidak diketahui mungkin NECF membantu semua kita pergi ke-KL dan ada baik juga kita ada masa pertemuan di KK dan saya hara COSA boleh menjadi satu padang dimana kita boleh ad pertemuan mendengar isu-isu, isu-isu terkeni, tentang gereja dan juga ada isu di pendalaman dan itu boleh disampaikan kepada badan NECF; dan kemungkinan juga dan dengan harapan juga faktor2 dan lapuran2 yang kita sampaikan kepada NECF

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

White Gold - Swiflet farming Industrial complex

What a better deal for your 'fiat money' than to invest in landed property that can ensure you a long term investment returns.With the anticipated collapse of the American Dollar, and the ensuing global economic meltdown of biblical proportion, this piece of invaluable property of 2.54 acres, situated next to thriving and successful swiflets farm in Penampang Borneo is still available for cash purchase for only RM300K per acre, or $97,355 per acre (15th May, 2012 conversion) Interested inquiries: h/p: 016-5524862 - IsaiPeter or IB

Personal Testimony of a Successful Christian Real Estate Developer

Chinese depiction of Jesus and the rich man (M...
Chinese depiction of Jesus and the rich man (Mark 10) - 1879, Beijing, China (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My name is Edward Ng Nyit Cho. I was born in November 30, 1951 in a small town called Beaufort. I was the eighth child in my family. I came from a poor family since my parents were hawkers. Due to the large size of family members, we were always humiliated badly by some people. When I was 11 years old, I remember a day during Chinese New Year when my father asked me to purchase a gantang of rice to make porridge for the day. The shopkeeper  humiliated me by saying that even his dogs ate more than my family. I was very sad but I never related the incident to my family.

During my childhood life, I struggled to earn money by doing chores no matter rain or shine. My family never had decent food on the table like everyone else. In the morning, my mother served us teamed  bananas and boiled sweet potatoes. For lunch and dinner, we would have pumpkin, rice and sometimes sago and some vegetables. During those days, the bananas and pumpkins were free and we could always get them from the villages.

I was not like other children who could enjoy themselves during  their leisure time. I would have to assist my parents in their hawking business after school until late at night. Whenever there was a school holiday, I worked as a laborer in the construction sites. Even during  the weekend, I would also occupy my time to earn some money by selling ice-cream, cooked maize and newspapers. I did this to pay for my school fees since education was important for my future.

After I completed school, I worked with Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Ltd and at the same time I had other part time businesses which made me call myself a 'jack of all trades'. I was a workaholic. I told myself that money is my god. My blood vein was full of money sign and by hook or by crook, I must make it because I didn't want my children to suffer like the childhood life I had.

I met my wife who was a teacher in the same town. She was devoted Christian and so was her father. The day I proposed to marry my wife, I went to meet her father for the first time. I was stunned by my future father-in-law's consent to allow us to get married only if I accepted Jesus and become a Christian. Without hesitation, I accepted and promised to be a Christian. However, I was never committed and serious in Christianity. 
End of Part One. Make sure to follow Part Two