Saturday, June 27, 2020

George Washington Carver

The life of a black slave, George Washington Carver, has not only inspired many Afro-Americans but also whites. He was a devote follower of a humble son of a carpenter from Nazareth who was accused of crime that deserved death on false evidence and which he didn't commit. He willingly went to the cross and died in full obedience to his Father's calling as the Lamb of God.
It is not education only that brings change and positive impact in an individual life and the community he belongs to but the Holy Spirit and gospel of Yeshua HaMaschiach. Our ancestors knew him as Huminundun /Huminodun aka Kinoingan Tanak Mononobus who became the "Bohi Tobitua" the perfect once for all sacrificial Lamb of God who atoned for the sins of mankind.