Friday, June 8, 2012

A stab from on the Back - One Million illegal Immigrants holding valid Mykad

A Kadazan Muslim from Kundasang, a small town at the foot of Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Borneo, had this to share: 
 UMNO who controls the majority seats in the BN is, as far as the Kadazan (Dusun), who had spearheaded the formation of Malaysia under Donald Stephens aka Tun Fuad, irrespective of what religion or belief systems he or she belongs to, is a TRAITOR who stabs us from the back.
He is referring to what we locals know as an open secret where UMNO had employed the dirtiest, deadliest and most dangerous strategy to make itself stay in power by giving the right to vote, besides being the status of first class bumiputra, to illegals immigrants by issuing them valid Malaysian Identity Cards known as Mykad. This is equivalent of giving the enemies guns to shoot you. This is the work of 'demon possessed and mad men and women' who are bent to do the will of the devil.
Pray that:

  1. Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach sends His Archangel Michael and binds these spirits of deception, fear, murder, lies, greed, cowardice, craze for power and racial hatred;
  2. A divine anger will arise among God fearing Malaysians and peace loving world leaders and will be led by the Ruach Kodesh to do what is necessary and bring glory to YHVH ELOHIM to end this betrayal of the people of Sabah and Sarawak especially to the believers and followers of Yeshua HaMashiach.
  3. A peaceful General Election.

Friday, June 1, 2012

HARVEST FESTIVALS - Kokotuan, Kaamatan and Pongupuan

Ruth in Boaz's Field
Ruth in Boaz's Field (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Based on the command of YHVH ELOHIM to His people, they must gather and celebrate at least three times in a year. 

Deuteronomy 16:16 "Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God in the place which He chooses at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles…”(Also see Exodus 23:14)

Attendance was so vital that at least all heads of house (males) were ordered to appear at whatever locale God determined for the full length of each ‘feast’. Among the ‘churches’ today that ‘keep’ these feasts of God, few, if any, uphold the God ordained ‘summons’ to fully attend each. 

Among the Kadazans, known to many as Jesus People, it has been a tradition and customary practices that had been embedded into their culture to celebrate harvest festival as a thanksgiving to Kinoingan for a bountiful harvest. This was practiced among them even before they were colonized by the British and those before them i.e. Sultan of Brunei and Sultan of Sulu.

Based on their genesis story, Kinoingan or Kinorohingan (tindal) (which means a name above all names or the Ancient One) gave His only daughter (in some version Son) as a sacrifice to save His children (Kadazan - which means 'being who has His breath (ka)) from hunger from a famine arising from a poor harvest.